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The 26th Seoul Music Awards preparation [Dispatch] Photos were taken on 2017.01.19 (January 19th, 2017) Publish Date : 2017.01.21 (January 21st, 2017) Download link (49p) [Dispatch] 'The 26th Seoul Music Awards' preparation - Google 드라이브 drive.google.com 2020. 2. 25.
V LIVE Christmas Week EP.4 [Naver Starcast] Download link (76p) [Starcast] V LIVE Christmas Week - Google 드라이브 drive.google.com 2020. 2. 24.
'Going Seventeen' Showcase Preparation [Dispatch] Photos were taken on 2016.12.05 (December 5th, 2016) Publish date : 2016.12.12 (December 12th, 2016) Download link (35p) [Dispatch] 'Going Seventeen' Showcase Preparation - Google 드라이브 drive.google.com 2020. 2. 21.
ODE TO YOU North America Tour [PLEDIS Naver Post] source : PLEDIS official naver post [세븐틴] 뜨거웠던 열기의 [ODE TO YOU] 북미 투어 현장 속으로! [BY 플레디스엔터테인먼트] 안녕하세요 구독자 여러분, 플레디스 포스트 지기 입니다! 이번 겨울은 유난... m.post.naver.com Download link (28p) 200221 ODE TO YOU NA Tour - Google 드라이브 drive.google.com 2020. 2. 21.
sound_of_coups Instagram post updates 190314 Instagram의 COUPS님: “Present” 좋아요 472.3천개, 댓글 46.3천개 - Instagram의 COUPS(@sound_of_coups)님: "Present" www.instagram.com 190315 Instagram의 COUPS님: “10년” 좋아요 457천개, 댓글 16.7천개 - Instagram의 COUPS(@sound_of_coups)님: "10년" www.instagram.com 190316 Instagram의 COUPS님: “In 운동장 with민규” 좋아요 485.7천개, 댓글 20.7천개 - Instagram의 COUPS(@sound_of_coups)님: "In 운동장 with민규" www.instagram.com 190323 Instagram의 COU.. 2020. 2. 18.
woozi_universefactory Instagram post updates 190302 Instagram의 WOOZI님: “welcome” 좋아요 476.9천개, 댓글 46.1천개 - Instagram의 WOOZI(@woozi_universefactory)님: "welcome" www.instagram.com 190303 WOOZI님의 Instagram 게시물 • 2019 3월 3 11:30오전 UTC 좋아요 457.5천개, 댓글 20.8천개 - Instagram의 WOOZI(@woozi_universefactory)님 www.instagram.com 190305 Instagram의 WOOZI님: “🌌” 좋아요 416.1천개, 댓글 9,135개 - Instagram의 WOOZI(@woozi_universefactory)님: "🌌" www.instagram.com 190306 W.. 2020. 2. 17.